
General Travel information not specifically categorised elsewhere.

Nous avons appris que le VRM de cette année (2024) était le dernier événement de ce célèbre circuit. L'équipe d'organisation du VRM a publié les informations suivantes sur le site Web du VRM.

We have learned that this year's VRM (2024) was the final event at this famous circuit. The organising team of the VRM have posted the following information on the VRM website.

Clap de fin pour la 7ème édition du VRM 2024 qui sonne aussi l’arrêt définitif de l’organisation de cet évènement qui me tenait tellement à coeur.

Je tenais à tous et à toutes vous remercier pour votre présence, votre aide, vos donations et soutiens depuis 13 ans car sans vous nous n’aurions pas pu faire évoluer cet évènement unique au monde pour nos véhicules d’avant 1940 sur ce lieu mythique et légendaire qu’est l’Autodrome de Linas-Montlhery.

N’oublions pas les bénévoles du VRM qui m’aident à accomplir toutes les tâches et toujours avec le sourire, ce qui fait la force, l’efficacité et l’image du VRM.

Vincent, Freddie & Friends

Final clap for the 7th edition of the VRM 2024 which also marks the definitive stop of the organisation of this event that was so close to my heart.

I wanted to thank you all for your presence, your help, your donations and support for 13 years because without you we would not have been able to evolve this unique event in the world for our vehicles from before 1940 on this mythical and legendary place that is the Autodrome de Linas-Montlhery.

Let's not forget the VRM volunteers who help me accomplish all the tasks and always with a smile, which makes the strength, efficiency and image of the VRM.

Vincent, Freddie and Friends

VinMog at Le Mans Classic 2025

We are now working towards Le Mans Classic 2025 and are taking bookings. You can see our prospectus and register your expression of interest. Booking forms are now available for those who have previously contacted us with their preferences. Please do not complete a booking form until you have discussed your requirements with Ann (in the first […]

COVID Travel Regulations (entering France)

This is a reminder to make sure that you comply with all regulations for entry to France for our Montlhéry weekend (and for your return to the UK afterwards). There are several requirements that you must comply with: 1) Having a valid passport (validity dates, etc.) 2) Meeting the current COVID regulations (need for certificates […]