Q: How can I make a payment?
- We prefer payment by Direct Credit (commonly known as Faster Payment or BACS), or you may send us a Cheque
- We have both euro & sterling accounts so that you need not incur currency conversion charges on your payment.
- In order to keep the costs to you as low as possible, we do not accept payment by debit/credit cards or PayPal.
Account details and addresses to send cheques are here.
- If you continue to have problems please contact us and we will help you.
Q: How can I log-in?
If you are having difficulty logging into our site, please check the following:
- Login accounts are provided only to paid-up members. If you have only just applied for membership, please be patient until your payment receipt has been reconciled with your application. You will then receive the following information:
- A 'Welcome' letter is sent by email to all new members. It contains a membership number and account username. Please ensure you are using the correct username to log in.
- Following the Welcome letter, our system will send you a 'password reset' message with a link that you must follow to activate your account. (You may at any time generate a similar reset message yourself from a login screen by clicking on 'Lost Password?')
- The password reset page asks for you to enter either your account ID or email address. Many people use shared email addresses; in this case please use ONLY your ID to reset your password. When an email is shared, the system cannot know which account to reset if you use your email and this can result in confusion.
- Every page EXCEPT the Home page, has a login section at the bottom left corner.
- If you continue to have problems please contact us and we will help you.
Q: Does VinMog offer family or group membership?
No, we are unable to offer family or group memberships (although individual membership is only 10 € per year). Persons under 18 years of age do not need to become members and may join in with VinMog activities as long as they are accompanied by a member.
You can become a member by applying here.
Q: Must I be a member to join an Event?
Yes. As an Association registered under the French « loi de 1901 » Vinmog is allowed to organise occasional events but these are for the benefit of and restricted to members. You can of course become a member by applying here.
Q: How can I follow the activities of VinMog?
As well as visiting this website, you can subscribe to both our website RSS feed, and follow us on Twitter. At the top and bottom of each page are the feed and Twitter
Click on the Twitter icon to select our twitter feed and receive our tweets on your mobile devices
Click on the feed icon to receive copies of all new posts from us via your chosen 'feed' reader.
We recommend subscribing to our Twitter feed, as last minute updates of general interest will always be tweeted.