
Contains pages and posts that are specifically related to legal matters

COVID Travel Regulations (entering France)

This is a reminder to make sure that you comply with all regulations for entry to France for our Montlhéry weekend (and for your return to the UK afterwards). There are several requirements that you must comply with: 1) Having a valid passport (validity dates, etc.) 2) Meeting the current COVID regulations (need for certificates […]

For those members not resident in France and who might be planning on bringing their cars over either for a VinMog event or on their own, we have put together a summary of French motoring law as it is at the current time (April 2018).

Please note the many small (and not so small) difference between French law and your own domestic motoring law.

Our notes must not be considered definitive, so you should always satisfy yourselves that you understand the current law as it applies in whatever country you may be driving to or through.

Event Terms and Conditions

Introduction Please note that participation in events is only available to members of VinMog. If you are currently not a member but would like to join, please see our membership guide. Your contract is with VinMog, an Association loi de 1901. As such, VinMog is limited in the number of events that it may organise each year, but for […]