VinMog is an association that supports all aspects of Morgan motoring.
- Membership is open to all persons over the age of 18 who wish to support the Objects of the Association.
- Membership fees are set in euros and are currently 10 € per person, per year.
- For applicants who wish to pay in sterling this will be £10 to allow for currency conversion.
- Membership is individual and non-transferable
- The membership year is a calendar year and all memberships expire on 31 December each year.
- New Memberships taken out in November/December will apply to the following year.
- Membership renewals up to two years in advance may be made at any time and will extend your membership from its normal expiry date.
- Individual Members of VinMog have voting rights.
- You can apply for membership by completing our membership application form
- Please note that couples should each complete a separate form if both wish to join
- Payment of membership subscriptions can be made by cheque or bank transfer. See our bank details.
Occasionally we may be able to organise cost-effective events for members of VinMog wishing to attend events involving Morgans. However the following should be noted:
- Vinmog is only allowed to organise occasional trips.
- These events are only available to members of VinMog.
- Children under 18 do not have to be members as long as they are travelling with a member.
If you have any questions, please contact us.