LMC 2018 – Booking Conditions

1 - Registration & Deposit

This event is operated by VinMog, registered (number W833003338) in France under the law of 1901 that regulates the conduct of ‘not for profit’ associations. Your contract for booking is subject to the Law of France.

Each deposit includes a 75 € non-refundable administrative fee.

Unless otherwise stated the price is for TWO people in ONE car, and sharing ONE room or having ONE camping pitch.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at:

2 - Waiting List

In the event that the event is fully booked, we will place you on a waiting list if you wish. If we are unable to enrol you from the waiting list, we will refund your deposit in full.

3 – Payment

A deposit of 600 € (£500.00) is required for all bookings [300 € (£250) for camping accommodation].

The remaining balance is due no later than 31 March 2018, payable in the ways detailed below.

For all bookings made after 01 March the full payment should be made at the date of booking.

Payment may be made by the following methods (method A is preferred):

A – Direct Credit Transfers

These may be made in either euros or sterling, payable to ASSOC. VINMOG and transferred to:

pour les paiements en euros
Crédit Agricole Barjols
Provence Cote d'Azure, France
IBAN : FR 76 1910 6000 0143 6478 0491 968
Numéro de compte : 43647804919
for payment in Sterling
Barclays Bank, UK
IBAN : GB 46 BARC 2027 9493 8171 48
Sort Code : 202794
Account Number : 93817148

B - Cheques

Please make payable to ASSOC. VINMOG and send to:

pour les paiements en euros
Quartier Costebelle, Chemin de Cotignac
Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
for payment in Sterling
℅ Kilima, West Hill
West Sussex, BN13 3BZ, UK

4 - Tickets and vouchers

We expect to send all tickets and vouchers etc. approximately three weeks before the date of the event. Members are asked to understand that this depends upon us receiving the event tickets from Paris in time to meet this deadline, so we can accept no responsibility if tickets are sent later. In previous years we have been required to collect some vouchers from the organiser’s office at the event. In this case the vouchers might be delivered to members’ hotels, or we may require members to collect them from the VinMog marquee at the event.

Tickets will normally be sent by signed for (recorded) delivery, the address you give us should be one at which the postman may collect a signature, or you should be able to collect from your local office within seven days of attempted delivery. If you wish to arrange an alternative method of ticket delivery or collection you should contact VinMog in good time.

5 - Ferry bookings (for UK members)

We are able to arrange ferry bookings with Brittany Ferries or P&O Ferries at additional cost; if you wish this we will book the ferry crossings as requested by you upon receipt of your booking form. In the event that we are not able to obtain the crossings requested, or an acceptable alternative, you will receive a prompt and full refund of all monies paid. Tickets for other carriers and/or routes may be available and will cost whatever extra we have to pay for them.

4 - Cancellations & Refunds

Cancellations must be received in writing to be admitted and considered as effective. All refunds are based on the date the written letter is received in our office. No refund will be given for any unused portion of any programme.

If you have to cancel, you will be liable for cancellation charges according to the following scale:

Date when written notification is received by VinMog We will refund all amounts paid LESS:
More than 10 weeks prior to travel 75 € plus any amounts levied by our principals (e.g. for ferry travel)
Less than 10 weeks but more than 6 weeks prior to travel 25% of total event price
Less than 6 weeks but more than 4 weeks prior to travel 50% of total event price
Less than 4 weeks but more than 2 weeks prior to travel 75% of total event price
Less than 2 weeks but more than 1 week prior to travel 90% of total event price
Less than 1 week prior to travel Full total event price

5 – Transfers

If you wish to transfer your booking to another member, this may be possible, but only subject to the status of any waiting list for the event. We may require that your place be offered to those at the top of the list. Any administrative costs of the name change will be your responsibility.

6 - Cancellation by VinMog

VinMog reserves the right to cancel a programme or to make appropriate changes in any programme in the best interests of the participants. Cancellation may be due to insufficient enrolment or because of circumstances that are out of the control of VinMog. If we must cancel a programme, we will notify you as far in advance as possible and you will receive a full refund.

7 - Travel Insurance

It is a condition of participating that all members have suitable comprehensive personal travel insurance. We also strongly recommend that adequate vehicle breakdown cover be arranged.

8 - Passports, Visas and Health Requirements

All non-french members are required to hold valid passports. If holding a French, UK or other EU passport, no visas are required. Any member holding a non-EU passport should check whether they require visas. There are no health requirements at the time of this notice.

9 - Losses & Responsibility

VinMog does not assume responsibility for any personal injury, property damage or other loss caused by weather, strikes, civil or military disturbances, acts of governments, acts of terrorism, political unrest, theft, sickness or other causes beyond its control.

VinMog does not assume any responsibility for participants' personal belongings, including all luggage, handbags, carry-ons and other possessions.

10 – Event extras

We will advise at a later date in respect of: circuit drives, car badges and other regalia items.